Facebook and Twitter marketing is an ideal way for a companies to grow because is fast and easy. Twitter for example has millions of users and provides you with an opportunity to reach prospective clients that otherwise would never know about you.
Using a hashtag (#) before a key word can help you target the audience you want to connect to. People that are using that hashtag or are interested in that topic can search for it and your tweets and/or post will show up.
Think Before You Hashtag! Hashtags are an essential part of social media marketing, but make sure you’re engaging customers, not butting into their conversations.
Savvy marketers know that hashtags are a great way to engage with their audience. Incorporating a trending hashtag into your Tweets will expose your words, and by extension your company, to a larger audience.. so research for every new hashtag you want to use to be sure that it has the meaning you are looking for!
Using Hashtags for Marketing
I strongly recommend you to follow these easy lineups to create and manage hastags:
1. Use Your Business Name – Start a hashtag with your business name to increase your visibility
Like #YourBusinessName #eDesign #EsteeBGD
2. Location – Use a hashtag for your location. That way when people are searching to see what is going on in their city, your tweets will come up.
like #Florida #FortLauderdale #MiamiFlorida
3. Profesionals – By inserting this into your tweets people can easily find you when talking about, or looking for people in your area of expertise.
Like: #GraphicDesigner #BrandDesigner #EsteeSotoBGD
4. Engage Patients – Most of the users appear to be writing to other professionals rather than regular customers. If you want to use Twitter to grow your practice stay casual and personable so people will feel comfortable reaching out to you.
Like: Today I am full of #creativity, bring it on!
“This #designer is cheering for the #MiamiDolphins … Good luck in your game today!”. These type of tweets appeal directly to your community and show that you are an active part of it.
5. Be Creative – Include your customers and make Twitter fun.
For example “Estee just finish her certification of #AdobeIlustrator .. One #stepforward to #success”
Send tweets in between clients directly from your smart phone. Twitter has an app you can download for free. Click the app and send a tweet as easily as sending a text message. or just click the Facebook button to post your status. Simply say what’s on your mind, thinking about what would appeal to your customer base.
Use hashtags daily to promote your business in your local area at least twice a day, is always good to have a small list of your most frequent Hashtags to just copy and paste then in your post, keep in mind to add a new hashtag in case you are posting of a new promotion or a new service!.